It’s rapidly become the new dogma for people doing technology startups. And yet, I’ve been privileged to
know the founders of a lot of successful startups, or people who’ve created similarly impressive things.
None of them did anything like the MVP, and it doesn’t seem to be the philosophy that guides their actions.
I tried Dr. Sketchy’s for the first time. I expected it to be hipstery
and ironic, but I found it to be intense. Lots of pro or semi-pro artists in attendance, and despite being
in a bar where drinks were served it was quiet. I wore my crappy colored pencils down to nubs
by the end. The performer, Lola Frost, has such presence - I’ve
never seen anyone like her. She also did a strip-tease at half-time - sexy, artful, generous, and powerful.
I want to do this again. I’m generally a digital guy, and in some more flippant
moods I might dismiss sketching as an obsolete skill.
But there is a value to it – one I didn’t expect – of staring, intently, with permission, for hours, at
one person. It was like a kind of meditation.
There has not been the slightest bit of vacancy for upwards of six months. Not because there are tourists or anything, but really just because I think they like the sign to say that.
Brandywine WV
I took down the sidebar that says I’m looking for contracts or other work - I am happily all booked up, if not overbooked.
I should update the resume, but here’s what I’ve been doing:
My friend Ari Lacenski just wrote a short piece on some tactics she saw developing in the reaction to sexism in the tech industry.
Go read it - “Shaming, Doxxing, and Making Culture”, but if you’re impatient, the conclusion is:
I see that at least three Double Union participants believe that shaming and doxxing are good ways to get men to work with,
sympathize with, and value women. I dissent, and believe that culture can only really be changed with kindness.
First of all, I want to recognize how much courage it takes to dissent with fellow dissenters, on principle, and in public. I had a similar test in my past,
and I didn’t do so well. And maybe that incident will be illuminating for people who think that having a shame-fest is going to bring about change.
If you’re like me, and you’re running Node.js within a Vagrant-managed VM, sooner or
later you’re going to want to debug a running application. Due to some networking oddities this is harder than you might expect.
Basically, you need something that will handle the v8 debugging protocol and
present you with a nice interface for debugging.
I had no idea who REDACTED was or what they did. Their product name is one of those
snappy but meaningless agglomerations of syllables, which have been compared to names of
Star Wars characters.
It turns out I probably signed up for this less than a month ago, so perhaps they are surprised I
am so scatterbrained as to forget what their project does. But that’s just the way things are.
Your first signups are often curious technophiles like myself.
SaaS services, especially startups - please, in every communication, include some sort
of very short tagline or header explaining what you are. Or work it into the opening sentence.
You can drop that when you are Facebook or Dropbox, but until then it’s necessary.