People’s Republic Øf Nosebridge by Neil
We managed to find the one place in Washington state where it is freezing cold and damp in the summertime. I think it just touches the current that eventually makes the Bay Area so frigid.
Things I would never do anywhere else: program a robot to dance, hold a sword receiving blasts of purple lighting bolts from a Gauss gun, worship at the Church of Robotron, get a preview of a cool interactive toy Star was working on, help assemble a tower built of pipes to validate one of Miloh’s theories about constructing large structures with struts of uniform length, play foosball on a table that automatically keeps score and lights up when points are scored, attend a bicycle jousting event….
A man and his lightning gun… by tipsen
Incidentally, it is fun to terrorize small children with robots. Hacked on MC Hawking’s software with some other NoiseBridge folks so it could be remotely controlled. Was a bit surprised that it was all in Java (it’s some standard package for doing robots, apparently). That made consuming a line-oriented protcol super annoying, and my more unixy style of programming is a bit foreign to Java, but we eventually made it work.
Conversations I would never have anywhere else: transgender hacker still adapting to her new life, Egyptian activist on exactly how influential the internet was in the 2010-2011 revolution, how to set up your own GSM phone service
– Why isn’t the phone network working yet ?
– [complex explanation about crystals and synchronization]. This will take another six hours.
– Isn’t there some quick and dirty way to do this?
– This IS the quick and dirty way.
Spontaneously taught: Haskell, how unix process forking works
Spontaneously learned: lock picking, the chemistry of baking, how to turn kelp into a musical instrument, Bitcoin, blinding, LASERS
It’s the kind of conference where you overhear a woman talking about her sex toy experiments and how nobody else seems to do this, and not one but two bystanders inform her she should be talking to qDot.
A few random photos, mostly of the PRØN people and related activities.
I usually asked permission before taking photos, except for the areas which are already recorded like the Prime Dome. But if you are depicted and don’t want to be photographed, let me know & I’ll take it down.
When they were setting up, I asked some of them how it was going and got an instant education in how GSM networks need synchronized clocks, and (if I remember what they said) it may even take hours for a crystal to reach the right temperature to sync with GPS satellites. I asked "What’s the quick and dirty way to do this?" They said "This IS the quick and dirty way." SAY NOPE TO DOPE became SAY NOPE TO POPE YOU DON’T NEED HEROIN TO BE A HERO was hacked several times, including YOU DON’T NEED MATE TO BE A HERO, and this variation, my favorite. I was glad to see that most of the hacks were non-destructive - they could be easily lifted off.Pre-bicycle-jousting at CastleCamp by Neil
Pre-bicycle-jousting at CastleCamp 2 by Neil
seaweedgideridoos by Neil
seaweedgideridoos2 by Neil
bicycle jousting by Neil
jimmy jousts by Neil
jimmy jousts 2 by Neil
Untitled photo by Neil
Untitled photo by Neil
Untitled photo by Neil
shadytel described by Neil
Rubin110 & Wiretapped & Occubus by Neil
Wiretapped & Rubin110 by Neil
People’s Republic Øf Nosebridge Go by Neil
Thistles by Neil
Tower of Consenso by Neil
People’s Republic Øf Nosebridge by Neil
Walk by Neil
Tower of Consenso with signs by Neil
People’s Republic Øf Nosebridge main dome by Neil
LED-enhanced Foosball table by Neil
Geodesic crafts with toothpicks by Neil
HardHack area by Neil
Mitch Altman teaching Arduino class by Neil
ToorCamp welding class by Neil
Toorcamp prime dome by Neil
ToorCamp prime dome by Neil
RF Camp balloon antenna 3 by Neil
RF Camp balloon antenna 2 by Neil
RF Camp balloon antenna by Neil
Laser gloves fire by Neil
Laser gloves by Neil
Also: DuckTales.