Flickr is a popular photo hosting service that uses embedded Flash files as part of their interface. On every page, there will be a little delay while a new Flash file loads.
Lickr removes the need for Flash. It runs within the web browser Firefox, stripping the Flash before the user can even see it, and replacing it with an equivalent interface in pure HTML and Javascript.
Click the buttons to see the difference (or rather, the similarities).

flickr-screenshot by Neil
Lickr combines Flickr, Greasemonkey, and Ajax, and is worth triple points in buzzword bingo.
How to install
Flickr is for Firefox only and requires that you have Greasemonkey installed. Greasemonkey is an extension for Firefox that allows you to modify pages with “user scripts”.
Obligatory warning: In principle, using Greasemonkey and Lickr could harm your data. Please make sure you have backups of your photos. Use this at your own risk. (I’ve been using various incarnations of Lickr for about a month, and I have had no problems so far.)
- Save
to your computer. - Get Firefox.
- Install Greasemonkey into Firefox.
- Restart Firefox.
- Open your saved copy of
in Firefox. - Select the menu item Tools : Install User Script.
- Try viewing individual photo pages on Flickr, like this one. The first time, you may see the Flash file load a bit before it gets replaced. Look at different photos after that and it should work seamlessly.
Possible breakage in the future: Lickr depends on Flickr and Greasemonkey staying more or less the same. However, both of them are being actively developed.
So what’s wrong with Flickr’s perfectly good Flash interface? Nothing. But maybe:
- …you wish Flickr were a bit faster.
- …you often use operating systems where Flash doesn’t work, or doesn’t work well.
- …using Flickr beta isn’t extreme enough for you. You want to run some amateur code, triggered by a brand new framework, in an alternative browser, that tries to modify an often-changing beta interface.
So, in March, I wrote a simple Greasemonkey user script to replace the Flash file with a simple HTML image. It kind of snowballed from there.
I originally thought I was just writing something for me and maybe five other people, but the response to Lickr has been tremendous. People mostly like it because it speeds things up, but I also get email from people who love it for reasons which surprise me. One guy likes to use his spell-checker, and he can’t easily do that in a Flash interface.
Dear designers: if you could read my in-box, you’d see how overjoyed people are to get control back again. This experience has made me much less tolerant of balkanizing technologies like Flash.
The further I went, the more I asked myself, how far can the users push a website? How much can it be made to be a thing of almost mutual ownership? Here’s a new feature I added in version 0.22.
Lickr is a Greasemonkey user script for Firefox that replaces the Flash on Flickr photo pages with a similar browser-based interface. As of this version, I’m going beyond beyond duplicating what Flickr had, and adding a few new features Get it here: This latest version fixes various bugs, has prettier rounded-corner notes with shadows, and turns URLs in notes into hyperlinks – and thumbnails, if it can. Examples:
picture of Celia taking a picture of Ben taking a picture of…Lickr 0.22 by Neil
The thumbnail is a link to that photo’s page. Other URLs in notes are also turned into hyperlinks.
Most links just look like the URL, only clickable. But some Flickr links – tags, people, or other photos – get a little extra treatment. These screenshots are from this photo.Lickr 0.22 linkifications by Neil
I hope it will inspire some creative uses. Given all that we know about the web, any sort of linking ought to be a win… and this has a lot of visual appeal.
And, um, regular Flickr users? They can at least see the URLs, but unfortunately, they can’t copy it into their browser bar. I guess they could retype it.
OMG Flickr should totally use this!
Slow down there, hypothetically overenthusiastic reader!
This is a hack that works in just one browser, Firefox. Developing cross-platform DHTML is much more painful. Flash is attractive, especially for businesses, for a lot of reasons.
Anyway, if Flickr ever wanted to use this code, they can, since it’s under the BSD license.
Lickr contains a simple Javascript Flickr API, which might be a good starting point for other browser-based projects.
Alert Flickr API geeks will notice that Lickr does two things with Flickr that aren’t documented: using the API securely based on session ids, and deleting photos.
I simply observed the communication between the Flickr’s Flash file and their website, and for the most part copied it. Some of Lickr’s interactions with the website are actually more efficient than Flickr’s.
What next?
It’s up to you! Which is a way of saying “Don’t hold your breath waiting for updates.”
I just started a new job, so we’ll see how much time I have for fundamentally useless projects.
Greasemonkey is supposed to be a framework for little link re-writers, not entire applications. Lickr is getting rather hefty and should probably be its own Mozilla extension.
Known Bugs
I know of no bugs that will corrupt your data.
Undesirable behaviours:
- A narrow image will “dance” a bit in size. The problem here is that I can’t glean the width of an image narrower than the Flash toolbar. Rather than delaying insertion until we make a Flickr API call to get the width, I just let Firefox sort it out.
- The image will blink once when updating notes. I don’t know why; it is not being modified.
- If a note is hanging over the right edge of a photo, it may appear to be underneath the navigation links for ‘prev’ and ‘next’ in the right column. Those navigation links are generated in an odd way. I haven’t figured out a workaround.
Other interface quirks and differences from the Flickr Flash interface
- The toolbar is at the bottom, not the top. I just liked it better without stuff in between the title and the image.
- The toolbar does not use images. This is deliberate – for various reasons, partially to do with security, convenience, and my desire not to contaminate the Flickr interface with elements designed elsewhere.
- You can only rotate 90 degrees clockwise. Rotating something 90 degrees counterclockwise takes three operations.
- There is no rotation preview.
- The notes don’t have that slick “fading out” action. I tried emulating this with Mozilla’s opacity, but it was slow and jerky.
- The interface is not locked down when updating elements. In principle it’s all asynchronous, so you could change two things at once. In practice, this could bollix up the on-screen interface, although I’ve never seen this happen myself. If this ever happens, just reload the page.
April 10, 2005
I had no idea at the time, but there had been a session called the “Flash versus DHTML game show” at SxSW just a few weeks prior, trying to explore whether Flash interfaces like Flickr’s could be redone with JavaScript. Simon Willison wrote:
I don’t know if Neil Kandalgaonkar was at SxSW, but he’s taken the inspired step of combining a JavaScript reimplementation of Flickr’s annotations with greasemonkey. The result is Lickr, by far the most impressive userscript released to date. Lickr hooks in to Flickr, removes the Flash annotation interface entirely and replaces it with a HTML/JavaScript/Ajax equivalent. Get this though… the JavaScript one is better than the original Flash. It loads faster, feels smoother and allows you to open dozens of photos in new tabs without your browser slowing to a crawl.
May 13, 2005
Flickr has moved to a non-Flash interface. That was Lickr’s main purpose, so this project is essentially obsolete. I may continue with other Flickr/Greasemonkey hacks but they probably won’t be called Lickr.
As far as I know, Lickr users will not have any problems - it will just step aside and do nothing. (By design.) But you probably want to disable or uninstall it from the Tools: Manage User Scripts… menuitem.
As for the Lickr innovations like transforming links into photo thumbnails and so on, read what Eric Costello of Flickr said:
(And we’ll soon be adding some more cool auto-linking features when the links point to Flickr pages.)
Sound familiar? I’ve been talking with Eric, and no, this isn’t a coincidence. I think they had ideas in this direction already, but Lickr made it more concrete for them.
If this gets released, I think it will be the first instance of a Greasemonkey customization being adopted by the original site.
October 21, 2009
People in Photos has finally launched, thanks to fantastic efforts by the whole Flickr team, particularly Simon Batistoni on the coding side. People in Photos is a very comprehensive feature that is present in almost every aspect of Flickr now – it’s almost like a whole other dimension to the site. But Lickr included the first crude attempt at something like that, way back in 2005.
Version history
(Also see the Github repo.)
- 0.25 Add to Set toolbar link added.
- 0.24 2005-04-30 buddyicon-in-notes feature much more efficient (and friendly to Flickr’s bandwidth.)
- 0.23 2005-04-27 note texts linger for a little while before disappearing. This is more forgiving when moving the pointer to click a link.
- 0.22 2005-04-24 various bugs fixed, prettier notes, and Lickr-only photo-note + other linkifications.
- 0.21 2005-04-16 fixed for case where Flash not detected.
- 0.2 2005-04-09 initial release.